The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jesus Pizza

There were layoffs at Vision Racing over the past couple weeks. This affected many people in the organization including a few guys in our weekly Bible study. I received a call from one of the guys at the shop and he told me that the remaining guys in the study really wanted to keep it going although the numbers may be down a bit. I agreed that even if one person shows up we will keep it going!!!

When I asked if we should formally "re-invite" everyone else in the shop, he told me they know the day, time, and location in the shop where we have the study. They call it "Jesus Pizza"!!! So they refer to us guys in the conference room has having pizza with Jesus!! That is sooo awesome! Take a stand for Christ!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Homestead Pics!

Below are a few pics from the Homestead race! Thanks for all your prayerful support!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Miami Homestead Update!!!

The last race of the season always brings a wave of different emotions for everyone. Some are worried about a championship, some are worried about finishing the race, some are worried about their jobs in the off season, and some are even worried about getting paid at all. This weekend there were many conversations that ran the gamut. I had a father asking for prayer for his son that needed brain surgery, a crew member worried about his mother's immanent death, a crew chief wanting prayer for his decisions, a team wanting a sponsor to keep the doors open, and God being praised for His protection and blessings.

Most Indy Lights drivers were receptive to prayer before yesterday's race. Some of the Indy Car teams I prayed with today expressed their sincere appreciation that we pray with them before their races. Some still walked away. The food this weekend was donated to the Miami Community Outreach - stay tuned for year end totals!

I saw the IRL photographer for the first time since I took him to the airport in Richmond, Va. when his mother was taken to a hospital in Indiana. He immediately stood up and gave me a huge hug. He was able to spend a few hours with his mother before she passed. He was extremely grateful for the coordination efforts and prayerful support he received from the IRL Ministry that weekend. We sometimes don't always see how God works in all situations. Today, I saw firsthand how God worked in this man's life that day.

Thanks for all your prayers and support! Keep checking the blog for year end pics and food totals! God bless you all!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homestead This Weekend!

Heading to Florida this Thursday for the last race of the year! We have an Indy Lights Chapel on Friday and two Chapel services and a mass on Saturday!

Pray that when people see us that they will see Christ in us! Thanks for your prayers and support!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Update from Chicago!

Wow... it was cold.... I thought this was August? Anyway, we have a good weekend at Chicagoland Speedway. We had both chapels outside in victory circle! Michelle Murray ( sang for our services. Thanks to Michelle and her band for making that extra effort! Also thanks to Chicagoland Raceway Ministries for their help with the collection and distribution of the food to the less fortunate this weekend.

I had a number of guys share with me this weekend how they are seeing God moving and working in their lives. Trust and faith were the common themes in our discussions. One example was the crew member who lost his son last year to suicide. He shared a story of a man that came forward last week in their church service that would have never done that had it not been for his son's situation..... God heals... Another shared that God has provided him employment during the off season. He told me that God does provide; just like the Bible says about the birds of the air.... God cares..... And another that told me his mother went through a successful cancer surgery. "They got it all", he told me with enthusiasm. "Praise God", I replied, "Praise God!" God answers.....

As my wife accompanied me on the grid for team prayers prior to the races this weekend, she made an interesting observation. She said that the team members were "getting used" to Bob and me approaching their cars for prayer. If they see me coming, some even take the initiative to gather the team members! I heard comments like, "we need all the prayer we can get" and "time for church". There are still the individuals that walk away, but many others are accepting. Give God the credit and glory.........

How about you..... do you trust God? Do you have faith? Do you believe he cares? Are you "getting used" to having God present in your life? Or do you still just walk away?

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Practice, Quals, & Crashes

Pray for both Will Power and Nelson Phillipe as they were involved in a bad crash today at Infineon. Pray for healing and quick recovery form their injuries. Our Catholic chaplain, Father Phil, accompanied the families to the hospital today for support.

I connected with a few hospitality people that are dealing with family issues. Pray for these hurting people.

Our Chapels are at 8 & 9 tomorrow. Pray that Christ will be proclaimed and glorified!

Load in day at Infineon & Team Jesus!

While there was no track activity today, everyone was busy setting up the pits, getting tires mounted, etc. This gave me a lot of time to talk with many of the guys in the garage area. The one common thread was there are a lot of hurting, worried, tired, and burdened guys in the IRL community. Please pray for these crew members that are hurting. Some have a relationship with the Lord and others just need Jesus. All were reaching out.......

Also, special thanks to "Team Jesus"! ( They are a Top Fuel drag race team that is also heavily involved in motorsports ministry at this track. They have a love for Christ that is motivating! They provided the camper for Bob to stay in at the track this weekend, a golf cart for our use at the track, and they will be distributing the food excess from this weekends race to local homeless shelters.

Stay tuned......... Blessings!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Broken Reading Light on the way to California!

Arrived safely today in California for this weekend's race in Sonoma. I started to do some reading on my flight our here and need a reading light.... No biggie, turn it on and adjust it... As I did, it fell off in my hands. Hmmm... Are they gonna charge me an extra piece of luggage or something for this, I wondered. I took it to the back galley and handed it to one of the two flight attendants standing back there.

One was reading a woman's devotional. I inquired about what she was reading..... We talked a few minutes and she began to share with me that today, when they landed in her home town of Phoenix, she was going to a home/hospital with her dog..... It is a special visitation ministry that uses animals..... She (and her dog) has had to go through alot of training to get to this point. Today was her first visit and she was excited, but nervous about it. God provided the opportunity for me to pray with her in the back galley of that 737 today. I prayed that God would bless her ministry and everything would go smoothly. Her name is Wendy. Pray for her ministry if God leads you to...

Also pray for the IRL Ministry. We have sold the motorcoach due to lack of funding. It will be used in Chicago for the last time. It sold quickly, so we are thankful to our God who provides in all circumstances for that. It will change the way we do things at the track, so pray we will adapt well....

More updates tomorrow! God Bless!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

"It Takes a Special God"

Good practice and qualifications today.... Got everything ready to go for our 7:30 and 9:30 chapel services. Please pray that God would move on the hearts of those who need to attend and hear from Him! (I am also singing at tomorrow's chapels, so please pray for me!)

The hotel manager asked me if my team "won" today (she is not a big race fan). I quipped I told her I worked as a Chaplain for the league and explained a little bit of what we do. She replied, " wow, it must take a special person to do that"! I responded, "no, it just takes a special God".

God is special. God is good. Believe.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mid-Ohio quote "Repent - You are a Sinner"

Arrived at the track this afternoon safely! We distributed Chapel flyers and soap collection boxes. During my trip thru the garage area, a talked with one crew member in particular that told me that "God was mad at him". I replied and told him that God is not mad at him..... He told me he loved God but has done things that would make God mad. I told him he just needed to accept God's grace and forgiveness through true repentance. He said, " I know all about that".

He held his wrist up at me. On one side it was tattooed "REPENT" then he turned it over and is was tattooed "YOU ARE A SINNER". I said, "wow"! You do know a little about repentance. I told him that once you've repented, you God forgives and forgets the sin. He got busy at that moment......

I told him if he wants to talk further about God's grace, give me a shout.... He said he would look me up.......

Pray. Examine. Repent. Accept. Praise.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weepers, Chapels, and Races

All track activity was cancelled yesterday due to "weepers" on the track. Water from all the rain was coming up thru the cracks in the track. This gave us a lot of time to wander around talking to crew guys as they waited for the track to dry.

The Chapel services are today at 1:30 & 3:30. Pray that God will move in a mighty and powerful way! Both the Indy Lights race and the Indy Car race will be run today. Pray for the safety of the crews, officials, and drivers!

Thanks for your support & may God continue to bless you!

Friday, July 31, 2009

In Kentucky - Pray for Chris!

I am in Kentucky and getting ready to head to the track in a little bit. This is a Saturday night race so they will be practicing at night as well. Pray for safe practice and qualifying sessions today!

Also pray for Chris at Vision Racing. Chris went down in the shop last week with heart failure. They were able to revive him and took him to CCU at St. Vincents. When I saw him last Saturday, he was on ventilators and feeding tubes and not breathing on his own. Yesterday, when I stopped by, he was talking to me and joking around! Praise God! I had a neat time of conversation and prayer with his family. We all held hands around his bed yesterday and gave God the thanks and glory!

Give God the thanks and glory today!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My next race will be Kentucky!!!!

Pray for Bob and Hunter as they travel to Edmonton this weekend to provide coverage for that race. Pray for safe travels and that they will be effective witnesses for Christ! August will be busy with 4 races in 5 weekends! Look for updates from the track!!! God is good! Stay faithful!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Concept of Divine Control

Oswald Chambers wrote in his July 16th devotional "My Utmost for His Highest",

"Fill your mind with the thought that God is there. And once your mind is truly filled with that thought, when you experience difficulties it will be as easy as breathing for you to remember, "My heavenly Father knows all about this!" This will be no effort at all, but will be a natural thing for you when difficulties and uncertainties arise. Before you formed this concept of divine control so powerfully in your mind, you used to go from person to person seeking help, but now you go to God about it. Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct for those people who have His Spirit, and it works on the following principle: God is my Father, He loves me, and I will never think of anything that He will forget, so why should I worry? Jesus said there are times when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but you should trust Him."

Are you giving control to God? Are you trusting Him in times of trials? Does your faith grow or fade when you are faced with difficulties? Let God control your life. He loves you more than you know. Yield, trust, have faith.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quick Trip to Canada...... Trust. Follow. Obey.

I went to Toronto Friday morning and had a full afternoon of practice, hanging chapel flyers, talking with the guys, and going through logistics for the weekend with Bob. I got a call from my wife that she was complaining of stomach pains and was going to the ER to get it checked out....... By 11:00PM, they had done a CT scan and discovered a what they thought to be a ruptured appendix. They talked about surgery the next day and started her on antibiotics. By 1:00AM, I had made arrangements to fly home the next morning. At 4:00AM, my wake up call came to get me to the airport for my early morning flight. In the meantime, the doctors thought surgery on this would be too risky due to the possible infection. They scheduled to put in a drain to remove the infection over the next week. At 2:00 PM Saturday, they started that procedure...... They found no infection. The fluid was clear! Praise God! Prayers answered! After the exploratory procedure, they want to wait until Monday to do another CT scan. Could still be an appendix issue or an ovarian cyst. We will wait and see.....

So....... where are your priorities? You are in a different country trying to do work for the Lord and your wife gets admitted to the hospital. I couldn't have pictured myself staying at the track while she was lying in that bed, but there was something nagging at me. There was a weird battle inside between the cost of returning, walking away from my commitments that weekend, and tossing all the plans that had been laid out for the weekend. No doubt, I did the right thing. I did what God wanted me to do. But what about those other pulls; maybe even temptations.

Every situation is a trial. Every trial is a refining moment from God. I have felt the refining fire a lot from God recently. I have learned from every situation. I have cried. I have felt injustice. I have felt that I have failed God at times and let Him down. Yet I never lost hope and His faith never wavered.

Are you learning what God is teaching you? Have you remained faithful, even in times of trials? God will never leave us. These "moments" are preordained by God Himself.

Trust. Follow. Obey.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 4th!!

The Richmond race went well. Praise the Lord for a safe race and safe travels! Pics to come!

Deatra and I are heading to Michigan for our yearly 4th retreat, so I will not be at the race in Watkins Glen this weekend. Please pray for the Chapels and race. There is also going to be a Q&A with Al Unser Jr. and Helio on Friday. This is going to be done in the garage area with the intent to give them a venue to publicly share their faith! Please pray that will be well received!

My next race will be Toronto the weekend of 7/11-12. Thanks for all your support!

Praise God for your freedom this weekend! God is so good........

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dan, Reid, Carrington, and God

One of our IRL staff was notified that his mother was taken to a hospital back in Indiana today and put into ICU for a heart issue. After Bob worked out flight issues I took him to the airport to catch his flight back to Indiana. His name is Dan. I had an opportunity to talk to him and encourage him on our trip to the hospital. He and his mother are Christians. I also had the opportunity to pray with him before we parted company. Pray for him and his mother during this difficult time.

We had a good day of practice and qualifying with only one minor incident. My son Reid had a great time with his first pit access since he is now 18...... He even had the opportunity to be in the flag stand for Silver Crown qualifying.... He was a great help today!

I met with Carrington from Good Samaritan Ministries here in Richmond ( They are taking the food this race for their shelter. Pray that God will use this food to show the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ to these men and women.

Our Chapel services are at 1:15 and 4:15 tomorrow. Pray for the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit during these worship times.

Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Richmond!!!

After a cancelled flight and the favor of the Almighty God on a standby ticket for the next flight, Reid and I made it to Richmond! Did a few small things today and reconnected with Bob a bit.

Pray that we will be effective witnesses as we interact with the IRL community this weekend!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Headin' to Richmond!

I leave Thursday morning (6/25/09) for Richmond. Please pray for safe travels and the Holy Spirit will be lead and guide our every thought, word, and action!

Thanks for your continued support!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Come to Jesus

I did not go to the Texas race (it was not in the original budget for the year and I was scheduled to go to the Iowa race until 6/11/09. That was the day my wife's mother, Doretha Huffman, went to be with the Lord. Please pray for my wife and her father and brothers as they grieve the loss of this dear woman of God.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28. He said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Doretha’s faith in Jesus Christ was consistent and non-negotiable. She did not like sin. She served Christ without wanting any human reward or recognition. As is says in Matthew 11:28, Doretha obeyed Jesus’ command. All her life, she came to Jesus………….. Recently, she was weary and burdened.

Oswald Chambers wrote:

“Come to Me….” Where sin and sorrow stops, and the song of the saint starts. Do I really want to get there? I can right now. The questions that truly matter in life are remarkably few, and they are all answered by these words – “Come to Me.” Our Lord’s words are not, “do this, or don’t do that,” but – “Come to Me.” If we simply come to Jesus, my real life will actually cease from sin, and find the song of the Lord beginning in my life.

Have you ever come to Jesus? Look at the stubbornness of your heart. You would rather do anything than this one simple childlike thing – “Come to Me.” If you really want to experience ceasing from sin, you must come to Jesus.

Jesus Christ makes Himself the test to determine your genuineness. Look how He used the word come. At the most unexpected moments in your life there is this whisper of the Lord – “Come to Me,” and you are immediately drawn to Him. Personal contact with Jesus changes everything. Be “foolish” enough to come and commit yourself to what He says. The attitude necessary for you to come to Him is one where your will has made the determination to let go of everything and deliberately commit it all to Him.

After a day of loosing his wife, making funeral arrangements, and visiting cemeteries, Henry (her husband) and I embraced at the end of the day and he looked me in the eye and said, “Praise the Lord”. I replied, “yes Henry, praise the Lord”………. What an example of a selfless attitude.

While this selfless attitude was admirable, how could he say that after loosing his wife of 62 years? What was he thinking? Where was the sorrow? Where was the sadness? Friends, the grief was there, but it was replaced by the overwhelming joy of knowing that she is home in heaven with Jesus and their son Timmy, and that someday, he will join them in there.

I will miss her dearly. She loved me as a mother. She respected me as the husband of her daughter. Her generosity overwhelmed me. Her heart to serve the Lord encouraged me. Her selfless pride convicted me.

Do you have that overwhelming joy that Henry has? Can you say “Praise the Lord?” Doretha went to Jesus. Is it time for you to come to Jesus?

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Busy day on the track.... one day practice and qualifications for both series! We had many little things to take care of today..... Chapel flyers, drivers meetings, food pickup coordiantion, etc. Bob picked up a nail in one of the trailer tires coming up here, so I took that to be repaiered today.... Hey, it's all for the Lord. Amen?

Talked with a lot of the team guys today as well.. Stanton Barrett crashed in practice, and they could not repair the car. So they are on they way home. I talked to a few of the guys to tell them I was sorry for what they are going through..... I pray that may help in some way.

Two chapels tomorrow - 9:00 & 10:30.... I am singing the special music tomorrow - they couldn't find anybody else ; ). So pray that the services are Holy Spirit led and that God would move mightily.

We are driving back directly after the race, so please pray for safety there as well... Thank you all for your support!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Do you have Faith? - Indy 500 Chapel Message & Pics!

We had 4 Chapels and 2 masses on race day! All were very well attended and Bob's message was concise. Do you have faith? Looking at Moses and how God sent him to tell the Israelites that I AM is who sent me! Moses said who am I that you would send me and he told God he was that he was not well spoken. God said go anyway and I will be with you! What is your excuse? Do you have enough faith to go and do what God wants you to do? Are you doing it now? Whatever is in your way, God can help you through that obstacle. God will be with you. Have faith. GO. DO. God is I AM.

Indy Lights Race on Carb Day

We had a great time of prayer before the Indy Lights Race on Carb Day. We also held a Chapel service for the Indy Lights the morning of the race!

BAPTISM!! - The Angels were Rejoicing on Saturday, 5/23!!!

One of the crew members from Vision Racing, Dan Rushing, was baptized on Saturday, 5/23 in Eagle Creek Reservoir! We had discussed baptism in one of our studies a few weeks ago, and Dan made the decision to submit to God and profess and demonstrate his faith by being baptized! He said "he wanted to do it in someplace like a creek", so Eagle Creek it was! It was witnessed by his wife, children, and his parents!

Pray for Dan as he lives out his Christian faith by the power of the Holy Spirit! Praise God. Give Him ALL the glory!

It's the little ways that God moves...

A few of us from the Hemelgarn team attended Chapel on bump day. After the service we went directly to the pits to set up to run that day. as we were moving tires and laying out air hoses, one of the guys came up to me and pulled me aside. As he starting to weep, he thanked me for inviting him to Chapel that day. He said he "really needed that".

Friends, it can be as simple as an invitation to Chapel that will allow God to work and move in some one's life. Do not hesitate. Reach out. Allow God to work through you!

Indy Practice/Qual Pics

Below are some pics from the practice and qualifications for Buddy Lazier!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank God Indy is not our Final Destination

Well, after a very long day on Sunday, Buddy Lazier in the #91 Hemelagrn entry did not make it into the 2009 Indianapolis 500. It wasn't due to the lack of effort. The entire team worked very hard from Thursday to Sunday to get the car up to speed. We went through 22 sets of tires in 4 days!!! Our top speed was just over 220 mph, but we could never get that for a consistent 4 lap qualification run. Technically, we did qualify on Saturday, but by the end of the day, we were bumped out of the field.

Thanks to Dennis, Lee and Gary for giving me the opportunity to work on the team. It was lots of hard work, but it is lots of fun running an Indy car at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway! Also, thanks to Dr. Riina from OrthoIndy, for putting my back together and Andrea from Body One Physical Therapy for training me. The back held up great!

The Indy 500 is a great event, but it does not even come close to the race we will win through faith in Jesus Christ when we reach our final destination with Him in glory!! Jesus said, " you will have trouble in this world, but take heart, I have overcome the world."

Trust Him - nothing else.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We need you back on our side......

While working on the Buddy Lazier car, one of our safety guys came up to me during practice and said, "be careful out here, we need you back on our side (with the IRL Ministry)". I thanked him for the neat comment and prayed with him there for his safety and protection..... Neat stuff....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Practice, Chapel, & Bible Study ...

We have our first practice on the track tomorrow (weather permitting) with car #91, Buddy Lazier! I will be helping with the tire & pit set up. We have been working since last week getting everything in order! It has been fun and tiring all at the same time. My back is holding up well. There is some aching at night, but it seems to recover well....

We had the first Chapels of the year at Indy last Sunday. It was well attended in both services. I pray that God will continue to speak to those people's hearts.....

We had the Vision Racing bible study today at 7:00 in the morning! We held it in their hospitality tent at the track. We also had a couple of the Hemelgarn Racing guys attend! We had great conversation and I felt like God was honored by our study. Pray that we all learn from what we heard and we act on it!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May is here - with Hemelgarn Racing!

WOW…. OK, so I get a call on Thursday afternoon from the team manager at Vision racing. He said he was told (that day) that he could not add any more personnel and that he has to “make due” with the people they have on staff for the 500…… (he had signed me three weeks ago) that means… I’m out at Vision (for the month of May)!

So, obviously, God did not need me there this month! (I will still be doing the Bible study with them at the track throughout the month) I prayed and made a few phone calls….. Hemelgarn called me back and said that people there had been “praying” that I would work for them! Wow.. I had a meeting with their team manager on Saturday and they hired me that day. I start on Tuesday!

So…. God is always more that faithful….. Pray that I will be an effective witness to those guys!

Root for Buddy Lazier #91 on 5/24!!!!!! Thanks for your support and prayers!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We are not in Kansas anymore!

Great day today! Lots of interactive prayer with the teams and drivers. Two chapels and a mass! Jessica Willey sang for us at both chapel services. What a wonder gift of song God has blessed her with! Thanks Jessica!

I hooked up with the hospitality worker that said he was "too far gone". He did not want to talk about it. I assured him that I (or we) am available whenever he is ready. He said, "I knew that even before we talked". Praise God! That is the type of presence ministry that needs to be evident!

Thanks to all for your support and prayers! I return home tomorrow!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Update from Kansas!

The first couple days have been good here in Kansas. We are currently looking out for tornado's (literally) as a storm is passing through! Peoples lives are full of storms. Some require weather alerts while others require just an umbrella. There are people in this community that are hurting. That are going through storms of life. Pray that we can help them weather those storms!

Made some great connections with many of the team guys the last couple of days. We have talked about everything from how the team is doing to funerals to planning baptisms in May! Pray that these conversations are God led and God honoring.

We have 2 chapels and 2 races tomorrow. Pray these go well and that God is in control of all! In my devotions this morning I read in 2 Timothy 4:2 , that we are to Preach the Word. In season and out of season; correct rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. Pray that I do that. I encourage you to do the same. Everyday!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Long Beach Sunday, Sunday Sunday!!!!!!

It was a long day that began with the alarm going off at 4:30 to get to the track and get set up for the 7:00 AM Chapel! We had American Idol contestant, Brandon Gill, to sing for us today! His worship was heartfelt and we thank him and his wife for sharing their gift with us. We were a bit rushed in pryaing with the Indy Lights guys this morning since the green flag dropped at the same time we started our second Chapel! The mass was delayed due to a drivers meeting and the second Chapel was cut short due to a press conference! The Indy Car prayer on the grid was even a bit rushed and confusing. This was just a lesson that God's timing is perfect and does not necesarily match up with our agenda!

The local Long Beach Salvation Army brought 6 guys and 2 trucks to take the food today! I helped them load the trucks and we ended shoulder to shoulder in prayer! We asked God to bless their efforts and that this food would be used to further the Kingdom of Christ!

The day ended with dinner with Dan and Linda Baker. They are wonderful Christian people that are former board members of the IRL Minstry. They offered me great encouragement this evening during our discussions and prayed for me and the IRL Minsitry (as they always do). Thanks Dan and Linda! Thanks to all who prayed. leave Friday for Kansas. Keep Praying!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Long Beach Update!

Made it safely to Long Beach! This is quite a venue.... A very diverse atmosphere and culture. We're not in Indiana any more!

The local Salvation Army will be taking the food form this weekend! I connected with many of the Indy Car and Indy Lights guys today! We are trying to arrange 2 baptisms in May for a ocuple of guys from the Vision study! Pray those arrangements go well.

It is not our job to push the God's timing. Today was an example of that. I did talk with the hospitality worker I mentioned in previous blogs. He was not ready to discuss God's grace. Keep praying....

I did meet a Christian lady on the plane coming out here that has been through some recent trials in here life that she shared with me. I offered words of encouragement that God gave me. Would you join me in praying for her? Pray she will find God's direction in her life.

Keep praying!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

St. Pete Food Donation & Long Beach!!!

4281 pounds!!!!!!!!!! That's how much food was donated from the St. Pete race to the America's Second Harvest of Tampa Bay organization!!

Pray for the trip to Long Beach. Pray that the "seeds that were planted" with the "crew care packs" that were distributed at St. Pete will be watered!! Pray for opportunites to share Christ thi weekend!!!

God Bless!

Monday, April 6, 2009

St. Pete Pics!!!!!!!!





Sunday, April 5, 2009

St. Pete God Report!

We had a great race day! The chapel service went well!! We had country recording artist, Michelle Murray ( lead us in worship. Thanks Michelle!

Neat prayer time on the grid for both the Indy Lights and Indy Car race! (pics to come... stay tuned!) Many of the Indy Lights drivers prayed and were excited that prayer was offered! Had some very God orchestrated prayer time with individuals as I was working my way through the grid to pray with the teams! These requested prayer times with individuals are absolutely precious.... God is amazing... The teams were very receptive to prayer on the grid. Some teams were actually excited when I approached the car! Praise God!

It was also very nice to have my wife along with me on this trip! She is a blessing from God!

Next race is Long Beach in two weeks..... Keep praying that God will work thru the crew care packs as people open them and read God's word. Pray also that we will be attentive to those who are searching.. As always, thanks for praying. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Prayer, Chapel, Bags, Injuries, & Hope

OK... wow... what a busy couple of days in St. Pete! We handed out the rest of the crew care packs (600 total)! We actually ran out before everyone got one. I just prayed that God would just "take care of that" what ever "that" means. We have already had reports of how the contents are being used! One crew member told me that his children went thru the bag and were "fighting" over the contents. The compromise was the older child is now reading to the younger children from the Bible that was in the packs!!!!!! It is unimaginable how far these might reach souls for God's kingdom!

I met with the Feeding America (formally Second Harvest) people from Tampa. They are picking up the food this weekend and we are trying to establish a national partnership with them for all the tracks! Had a great time of prayer with these brothers that God would use every bit of this food to show his love to the less fortunate.

Chapel today for the Indy Lights series was held at the Tech semi in the garage area. We had a great turnout for the 9:00 AM service! We had great prayer time on the grid prior to today's race. There are many new teams and drivers this year. Most all wanted to pray. I was rejected by two drivers. We are still there, still present, still praying.

One of the IRL crew members was injured today in the garage area. After his brief stay at the infield care center, I transported him back to his garage. I had a neat time of prayer with him for his injuries.

Lastly, I was hanging up flyers for our Sunday Chapel services in the hospitality area today. One of the guys I met last year said to me, " there is no hope for me, I am too far gone". I replied that nobody is too far gone. That Christ will forgive the worst of sins. He said when he stands before God, that God will say "not this one". I told him that that is exactly why Jesus died on that cross for your sins. I said that if you trust Jesus, then He will say to God, "no, this one is OK, he is covered by my blood......... He did not say a word.... I gave him a couple of devotionals I had for him to read. I also told him, at the proper time, I wanted to talk further about his concerns. He agreed. Please pray. Please.

Tomorrow there are two races, a chapel and a catholic mass. There will be countless opportunities to exhibit Christ's love. Pray I do that.

This why I am here. To share Christ. Nothing else. Pray.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Over 500 crew care packs handed out today at St. Pete!

Wow.. The day began when the alarm went off at 3:00AM to catch an early morning flight out of Indy to St. Pete. At 10:00PM we got to our hotel room! It was a great day!!! Bob, me, Deatra, and Harriett (an IRLM helper) handed out backpacks full of God's word to crew members, officials, drivers, and hospitality workers! Some rejected the packs, but the majority were REALLY excited to get a free gift..... most did not know that inside that bag is truly a free gift.... God's grace through faith in Christ!

Some opened them up right away and looked at all the contents. Some asked who paid for them. Some were just thankful that we were giving them a gift.

Now its time to pray! Pray that the seeds get watered. That the soil will be fertile. That they will open the bags and read. That God will open their eyes..... Pray... Thanks to all.... more from the track tomorrow!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Front Wing Presented to ICCC

It was a great day at Indian Creek again today! The IRL Ministry presented Gary Johnson and the staff of ICCC a front Indy Car wing in appreciation for "The Creek's" support of me and the Indy Racing League Ministry.

Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers! The motor coach is on its way to St.Pete now! I will be flying down on Thursday, April 2nd. The crew care packs will be distributed on that Thursday and Friday. Pray they will be well received. Pray God will move! Pray!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Is This a Hobby?

So, I was off site at a company today for my "full time" engineering job with JDSU...... We got to talking about racing and the IRL Ministry. These guys said "so you don't get paid for the time you spend traveling to all the races?" I told them my expenses are covered, but I do not get paid. They commented that that was "some hobby".... In response, I simply said, "it's more than a hobby".

That comment hit me hard...... Friends, is Christianity "just a hobby" for you? We are serving the Almighty God of the universe. We are giving praise to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Our God knows and understands our every thought. We have been commanded by Christ Himself to go unto the world to spread the Good News.

It's more than a "hobby" to me....... how bout you?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WOW!!! - 100 boxes packed

THANK YOU ALL and THANKS BE TO GOD! We, members of Indian Creek Christian Church, and friends of the IRL Ministry, packed over 580 crew care packs in to 100 boxes today! In addition, every box was prayed over, that God would use they packs to reveal the Good News of the Gospel of Christ to the Indy Racing League crew members and officials. The boxes are already in the IRL Ministry trailer and ready for the trip to St. Petersburg for the April 5th race. These care packs will be distributed on April 2nd when the guys are working on their cars! Pray they will be well received and God would work in a might and powerful way!

Thanks again for all your prayers, help and support!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God working at the Vision Study!

We finished the Joe Gibbs book "Racing to Win" today in our study. After lots of good discussion, we got on the topic of baptism. We talked thru what baptism means and the example Jesus set for us. Bottom line..... There are 2 or 3 guys that are considering being baptized! Praise God!

We need to be there. We need to encourage. We need to go. We need to follow where Jesus is leading. Without hesitation....... Go.... spread the Good News!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

IRL Ministry Crew Care Pack - Packing Party March 15th!

Shipments are coming in, almost daily, to my garage that is now being used as a "Christian Warehouse" of sorts.... God has been unbelievable through this entire process in providing for this project. I want to thank Him, first of all, for sending all of you and the different businesses that have donated items and money for this project. Thanks be to God! And thank all of you! Below is the flyer that will be placed in each pack acknowledging the different companie's involvement.

We are having the packing party at Indian Creek Christian Church on Sunday, March 15th at 12:30 in the Family Life Center. Pizza will be provided! We are going to pack all 600 backpacks with the Bibles, etc. and pray over them before we box them up for the trip to St. Pete on April 5th for the first IRL race!

Please pray that these Crew Care Packs with be received well. I hope to see you all there!

Monday, February 23, 2009

God Provides!

So....... just a simple suggestion by my pastor about adding the book "The Man in the Mirror" to the crew care packs turned into seeing God work in just a few short days! Last week a few e-mails were sent and three days later Kingdom Racing donated 600 books and EMI Records donated 600 CD's !!!!! WOW!!!!!! It was unbelievable!

This week was also the "last" offering during our Sunday School class. In addition to another $500 donation, the offering was $550!!!! Based on that number, WE HAVE ALL COSTS COVERED FOR THIS PROJECT!!!!

Thanks to the classes at Indian Creek Christian Church, thanks to Kingdom Racing, thanks to EMI, but most of all, thanks be to God! God provides. Let God work. Blessings!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vision Study, Crew Care Packs, & Makin' Plans

The custom IRL Ministry backpacks arrived today! The contents of the bags are coming together! The devotionals and tool box decals are here! Arrangements have been made to pick up the water from Aqua Systems ( Thanks Mike! The packing party is set for 3/15/09 at 12:30PM in Atrium A at Indian Creek Christian Church (

I have been busy making travel arrangements for the year. All my hotels are booked! I am still working with Greenwood Travel ( on all my flights! Thanks Ian!

The study at Vision went well today. We discussed how and why Jesus choose his disciples. These guys were ordinary people entrusted with the mission to spread the news of Christ. We are very similar to the disciples. As Christ followers, we are to do what Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Go!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chinese Church in Greenwood

I had to opportunity to preach today at the Chinese Church that meets at the Community Church of Greenwood (Indiana). These people are so genuine and reverent. There passion for Christ and humility are something I can learn from! Thanks for the opportunity to share Christ!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Crew Care Pack Update!!!!!!

We are up to $1750! Praise the Lord! So below is the status…….

$1500 – 600 BIBLES – PAID IN FULL!
$554 – 1000 TRI Fold Inserts – ½ PAID IN FULL!
$954 – 600 back packs – well…. not so paid… : (
$0 – 500 devotionals – PAID IN FULL - DONATED - Our Daily Bread
$0- 600 tool box decals – PAID IN FULL - DONATED - Business Art & DeSigns
...waiting to see if we can pay for the backpacks before we order any fillers like water, jerky, etc.

Thanks to ALL who have donated from Mark Miller and Steve Totten's class at "The Creek"! (

Sunday, February 1, 2009

IRL Ministry Donations

This year has been especially tough financially on everyone, including the IRL Ministry. In these tough economic times, everyone is cutting back on their spending and giving. Those cut backs have affected the IRL Ministry for 2009. We are looking at major changes to how the IRL Ministry functions if donations are not received. These changes may include selling the motorcoach an cutting back on Chaplains expenses. If we do not have a motorcoach, we will not be able to tow the trailer which contains all of our sound system for Chapel services, golf carts, and scooters for track transportation.

If God is urging you to give in this area, please follow that leading. You may contact me or Bob Hills at or go to the IRL Ministry website at

Thanks for your continued support!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bibles Ordered & Vision Study!!

The Bibles for the crew care packs have been ordered thanks to the donations of our Small Group Class at Indian Creek Christian Church! Praise God! We are still raising funds for the backpacks and other items. Our Daily Bread donated 500 devotinals which have already arrived! Pray that God will bless this project and it will work to further His kingdom!

The Vision Racing Winners Circle study is going well. Some of the topics related to Joe Gibb's book Racing to Win that have been discussed are, trials, spiritual trasnformation, God's plans for your life, prayer, and the desires of your heart. Pray that God will continue to lead the subject matter every Wednesday at 11:30!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crew Care Pack Project!!

We are moving forward with a project for next year!!! We are raising funds for a “care package” for each of the crew members for next year…. I am getting’ excited about this…. The pack would include:

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs Bibles with the IRL Ministry logo imprinted on the front cover, drawstring backpacks with the IRL Ministry logo on it, 60 day devotionals, tool box decals, IRL Ministry 3 fold flyers, beef jerky packs, trail mix, gum, mints, a bottle of water, etc. to fill out the packs.

If you would like to be a part of this project, please let me know! We still need money to order the Bibles and bags and are looking for the rest of the supplies to pack the bags!

A bible in each IRL crew member's hand. How cool is that!!!!!!!!! God Bless!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Vision Study Update

We covered the first two chapters of the Joe Gibbs "Racing to Win" book yesterday. We had 6 guys attend and two more that showed some interest! I believe the Holy Spirit was present as we had great interaction and discussion. Please pray as we continue this study next week!

Also pray for the other studies at the IRL offices, Panther Racing, and one "in the works" at Andretti Green Racing.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas season! Let's keep Christ first in our lives this year! I have been working on my schedule and budget for next year. I have submitted them to my church, Indian Creek Christian Church (, who partially supports me in my involvement in the IRL Ministry. I will be attending approx. 13 races next year! I am so excited to be led by the Holy Spirit in this effort!

I will be running the Vision Racing Winner's Circle this Wednesday. We are going through the Joe Gibbs book "Racing to Win". Pray that God will be present and actually leading the study (not me).

Please pray for those who have lost their jobs in our racing community. These are difficult times for the teams and team members. Also pray for George Del Canto and his family from Kingdom Racing ( His wife recently went home to be with the Lord. Pray that they will see God's control and direction in this difficult time.