The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quick Trip to Canada...... Trust. Follow. Obey.

I went to Toronto Friday morning and had a full afternoon of practice, hanging chapel flyers, talking with the guys, and going through logistics for the weekend with Bob. I got a call from my wife that she was complaining of stomach pains and was going to the ER to get it checked out....... By 11:00PM, they had done a CT scan and discovered a what they thought to be a ruptured appendix. They talked about surgery the next day and started her on antibiotics. By 1:00AM, I had made arrangements to fly home the next morning. At 4:00AM, my wake up call came to get me to the airport for my early morning flight. In the meantime, the doctors thought surgery on this would be too risky due to the possible infection. They scheduled to put in a drain to remove the infection over the next week. At 2:00 PM Saturday, they started that procedure...... They found no infection. The fluid was clear! Praise God! Prayers answered! After the exploratory procedure, they want to wait until Monday to do another CT scan. Could still be an appendix issue or an ovarian cyst. We will wait and see.....

So....... where are your priorities? You are in a different country trying to do work for the Lord and your wife gets admitted to the hospital. I couldn't have pictured myself staying at the track while she was lying in that bed, but there was something nagging at me. There was a weird battle inside between the cost of returning, walking away from my commitments that weekend, and tossing all the plans that had been laid out for the weekend. No doubt, I did the right thing. I did what God wanted me to do. But what about those other pulls; maybe even temptations.

Every situation is a trial. Every trial is a refining moment from God. I have felt the refining fire a lot from God recently. I have learned from every situation. I have cried. I have felt injustice. I have felt that I have failed God at times and let Him down. Yet I never lost hope and His faith never wavered.

Are you learning what God is teaching you? Have you remained faithful, even in times of trials? God will never leave us. These "moments" are preordained by God Himself.

Trust. Follow. Obey.

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