The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Carpenter finishes 17th in 500.

It was an exciting, yet disappointing day at IMS when the #20 machine finished 17th after running as high as 4th. We had some fuel consumption issues that forced us to pit early on a yellow for a "splash & go". This caused us to give up a huge track position advantage.

It was exciting fueling the Vision Racing car. God kept everyone safe on the team as many prayers were answered. It was kinda cool that prior to the race, the team manager, know that I work with IRL Ministry, asked me to pray with team and driver prior to the race! We gathered at the car on the grid and I prayed for all involved. After the prayer was concluded, I overheard someone say, "it's kinda cool to have a Chaplain on the team."

Thanks for all your concern, prayers and support!

Indy 500 Pit Stop Video!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Great Day at ORP w/ USF2000!

The day was filled with practice, qualifications, and the race on the O'Reilly Raceway Park oval! We got through the day safely with only one incident. It was very good, competitive racing! The chapel service went well! A special shout out to the KLOVE and Air1 personnel that came out to support the IRL Ministry and worship with us! All drivers were receptive to prayer on the grid! Give God all the glory there! I was talking to one of the drivers in the care center after he was in a race incident. He said, "I really didn't want to see you again." Meaning he was not happy about being in the care center. But he then said, "I am glad you're here." Then he started digging into his fire suit pocket and pulled out a crinkled up business card. He said, "I won't race without this." It was my business card I gave him yesterday when I met him for the first time! I hope he doesn't misunderstand, but it is not me he needs, but God. Don't live life without God! Thanks for your support!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Carb Day & ORP!

Went great! No issues or problems. Headed to ORP in the afternoon for USF2000 practice.
Practice, quals, and USF2000 race tomorrow! Chapel is at 3:30PM and we have KLOVE and Air1 radio coming out to support the IRL Ministry!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fueling for #20 Ed Carpenter on Sunday!

I will be going "over the wall" fueling for Ed Carpenter's #20 Indy Car Sunday in the Indy 500. Pray for safety for all the crew members and drivers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Laguna Seca - Update!

The chapel went well today! We completed both races without major incidents! Praise the Lord! Some comments from today.... Are you going to pray with me? Thanks for making sure I knew when chapel was. I was led by God to be a part of it. It is awesome that this series has a Chaplain. Did you pray with my son in the car? I called my wife and told her I went to church. Did you pray will every driver? You don't have to go oversees to be a missionary. Thank you for doing this. I want to contribute to this. You will see the fruit from this. That is what we do (referring to prayer at the drivers meeting).

There was a great deal of encouragement from the Lord through others this weekend. It was unbelievable. Thanks for your prayerful support! Check back for pictures from the weekend!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Are you going to pray with me?

That question was asked of me today by one of the USF2000 drivers after qualifications. He wanted to make sure that prior to the races tomorrow, that I was going to pray with him in the car. I responded by saying, "Absolutely, I will be there to pray with you." Do you think God ever wonders if we are going to pray? Do you think He longs for our communication with Him? How many time have you hesitated when you thought you should pray?

Praying without ceasing is your attitude toward God on a daily basis. God wants to hear from you. He wants your attitude to be proper. He wants your heart.

I will pray with that driver before the each race tomorrow. I will also pray I have a prayerful attitude toward God each and every day, without ceasing.

USF2000 in Laguna Seca Today!

Made it safely to Monterey, CA! Practice sessions went well today at Laguna Seca. I met with all of the teams, including the Pacific F2000 teams. Generally well received, with a couple of exceptions..... Pray that relationships will be established! Qualifications are tomorrow, with 2 races on Sunday. The Chapel service is Sunday morning at 7:30AM... Pray I will be led by the Spirit in all things! Blessings!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heading to Laguna Seca!

Pray for me and my wife as we had to Laguna Seca, CA today. The USF2000 series is racing there this weekend with the ALMS series.

Pray for Austin

Yesterday at IMS we worked with Kingdom Racing to bring Austin to the track for an "up close" look at the activity. Austin has Cystic Fibrosis and has struggled with it since birth. He is a huge race fan and was excited to meet drivers, Raphael Matos and Davey Hamilton. We were introduced to Austin by a member of Indian Creek Christian Church through a series of encounters orchestrated by God. Pray for Austin as he struggles everyday for breath.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you get to Heaven?

That was asked of me today at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway from a fan holding a beer.... I have been at IMS the past few days reconnecting with many of the Indy Car crew guys and staff... So, i asked if he wanted the long answer or the short answer.... He responded, "short answer". I said, "have faith in Jesus Christ". That's it. Have faith. Do you have faith? Does it have to be more difficult than that? Sometimes we make it more complicated than it has to be. It starts with faith....

For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith - Ephesians 2:8

Pray for that fan..... Thanks and thank God for His saving grace!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

USF2000 Testing at ORP in Indy this week!

The USF2000 series will be testing at O'Reilly Raceway Park in Indianapolis on May 5-6. I will be attending the test. Pray for opportunities to get to know the teams, crews, and drivers even better. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Below is the test schedule: