The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We are not in Kansas anymore!

Great day today! Lots of interactive prayer with the teams and drivers. Two chapels and a mass! Jessica Willey sang for us at both chapel services. What a wonder gift of song God has blessed her with! Thanks Jessica!

I hooked up with the hospitality worker that said he was "too far gone". He did not want to talk about it. I assured him that I (or we) am available whenever he is ready. He said, "I knew that even before we talked". Praise God! That is the type of presence ministry that needs to be evident!

Thanks to all for your support and prayers! I return home tomorrow!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Update from Kansas!

The first couple days have been good here in Kansas. We are currently looking out for tornado's (literally) as a storm is passing through! Peoples lives are full of storms. Some require weather alerts while others require just an umbrella. There are people in this community that are hurting. That are going through storms of life. Pray that we can help them weather those storms!

Made some great connections with many of the team guys the last couple of days. We have talked about everything from how the team is doing to funerals to planning baptisms in May! Pray that these conversations are God led and God honoring.

We have 2 chapels and 2 races tomorrow. Pray these go well and that God is in control of all! In my devotions this morning I read in 2 Timothy 4:2 , that we are to Preach the Word. In season and out of season; correct rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. Pray that I do that. I encourage you to do the same. Everyday!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Long Beach Sunday, Sunday Sunday!!!!!!

It was a long day that began with the alarm going off at 4:30 to get to the track and get set up for the 7:00 AM Chapel! We had American Idol contestant, Brandon Gill, to sing for us today! His worship was heartfelt and we thank him and his wife for sharing their gift with us. We were a bit rushed in pryaing with the Indy Lights guys this morning since the green flag dropped at the same time we started our second Chapel! The mass was delayed due to a drivers meeting and the second Chapel was cut short due to a press conference! The Indy Car prayer on the grid was even a bit rushed and confusing. This was just a lesson that God's timing is perfect and does not necesarily match up with our agenda!

The local Long Beach Salvation Army brought 6 guys and 2 trucks to take the food today! I helped them load the trucks and we ended shoulder to shoulder in prayer! We asked God to bless their efforts and that this food would be used to further the Kingdom of Christ!

The day ended with dinner with Dan and Linda Baker. They are wonderful Christian people that are former board members of the IRL Minstry. They offered me great encouragement this evening during our discussions and prayed for me and the IRL Minsitry (as they always do). Thanks Dan and Linda! Thanks to all who prayed. leave Friday for Kansas. Keep Praying!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Long Beach Update!

Made it safely to Long Beach! This is quite a venue.... A very diverse atmosphere and culture. We're not in Indiana any more!

The local Salvation Army will be taking the food form this weekend! I connected with many of the Indy Car and Indy Lights guys today! We are trying to arrange 2 baptisms in May for a ocuple of guys from the Vision study! Pray those arrangements go well.

It is not our job to push the God's timing. Today was an example of that. I did talk with the hospitality worker I mentioned in previous blogs. He was not ready to discuss God's grace. Keep praying....

I did meet a Christian lady on the plane coming out here that has been through some recent trials in here life that she shared with me. I offered words of encouragement that God gave me. Would you join me in praying for her? Pray she will find God's direction in her life.

Keep praying!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

St. Pete Food Donation & Long Beach!!!

4281 pounds!!!!!!!!!! That's how much food was donated from the St. Pete race to the America's Second Harvest of Tampa Bay organization!!

Pray for the trip to Long Beach. Pray that the "seeds that were planted" with the "crew care packs" that were distributed at St. Pete will be watered!! Pray for opportunites to share Christ thi weekend!!!

God Bless!

Monday, April 6, 2009

St. Pete Pics!!!!!!!!





Sunday, April 5, 2009

St. Pete God Report!

We had a great race day! The chapel service went well!! We had country recording artist, Michelle Murray ( lead us in worship. Thanks Michelle!

Neat prayer time on the grid for both the Indy Lights and Indy Car race! (pics to come... stay tuned!) Many of the Indy Lights drivers prayed and were excited that prayer was offered! Had some very God orchestrated prayer time with individuals as I was working my way through the grid to pray with the teams! These requested prayer times with individuals are absolutely precious.... God is amazing... The teams were very receptive to prayer on the grid. Some teams were actually excited when I approached the car! Praise God!

It was also very nice to have my wife along with me on this trip! She is a blessing from God!

Next race is Long Beach in two weeks..... Keep praying that God will work thru the crew care packs as people open them and read God's word. Pray also that we will be attentive to those who are searching.. As always, thanks for praying. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Prayer, Chapel, Bags, Injuries, & Hope

OK... wow... what a busy couple of days in St. Pete! We handed out the rest of the crew care packs (600 total)! We actually ran out before everyone got one. I just prayed that God would just "take care of that" what ever "that" means. We have already had reports of how the contents are being used! One crew member told me that his children went thru the bag and were "fighting" over the contents. The compromise was the older child is now reading to the younger children from the Bible that was in the packs!!!!!! It is unimaginable how far these might reach souls for God's kingdom!

I met with the Feeding America (formally Second Harvest) people from Tampa. They are picking up the food this weekend and we are trying to establish a national partnership with them for all the tracks! Had a great time of prayer with these brothers that God would use every bit of this food to show his love to the less fortunate.

Chapel today for the Indy Lights series was held at the Tech semi in the garage area. We had a great turnout for the 9:00 AM service! We had great prayer time on the grid prior to today's race. There are many new teams and drivers this year. Most all wanted to pray. I was rejected by two drivers. We are still there, still present, still praying.

One of the IRL crew members was injured today in the garage area. After his brief stay at the infield care center, I transported him back to his garage. I had a neat time of prayer with him for his injuries.

Lastly, I was hanging up flyers for our Sunday Chapel services in the hospitality area today. One of the guys I met last year said to me, " there is no hope for me, I am too far gone". I replied that nobody is too far gone. That Christ will forgive the worst of sins. He said when he stands before God, that God will say "not this one". I told him that that is exactly why Jesus died on that cross for your sins. I said that if you trust Jesus, then He will say to God, "no, this one is OK, he is covered by my blood......... He did not say a word.... I gave him a couple of devotionals I had for him to read. I also told him, at the proper time, I wanted to talk further about his concerns. He agreed. Please pray. Please.

Tomorrow there are two races, a chapel and a catholic mass. There will be countless opportunities to exhibit Christ's love. Pray I do that.

This why I am here. To share Christ. Nothing else. Pray.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Over 500 crew care packs handed out today at St. Pete!

Wow.. The day began when the alarm went off at 3:00AM to catch an early morning flight out of Indy to St. Pete. At 10:00PM we got to our hotel room! It was a great day!!! Bob, me, Deatra, and Harriett (an IRLM helper) handed out backpacks full of God's word to crew members, officials, drivers, and hospitality workers! Some rejected the packs, but the majority were REALLY excited to get a free gift..... most did not know that inside that bag is truly a free gift.... God's grace through faith in Christ!

Some opened them up right away and looked at all the contents. Some asked who paid for them. Some were just thankful that we were giving them a gift.

Now its time to pray! Pray that the seeds get watered. That the soil will be fertile. That they will open the bags and read. That God will open their eyes..... Pray... Thanks to all.... more from the track tomorrow!