The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Trois Rivieres - Faithful to Death!

Today in the chapel at Trois Rivieres, QC, we talked about the night before Jesus was crucified, after praying all night and asking his Father three separate times, is this the only way? He realized that this was going down and in Matthew 26:46, he said to the disciples, "Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!”

In the midst of danger, when Jesus knew they were coming to take him away, staring in the face of death, Jesus said, “Rise! Let’s go!” Let’s go.. not to run away, but to face the will of God for His life here on earth. To face his betrayers head on. To say I will do the will of God, no matter the rejection, the separation from God, the cost, the pain, or even if I die.

Jesus was faithful – even to the point of death!

Should we do the same? What does that look like for our lives?

We are to - Die to self and surrender to our lives to Christ. Matthew 16:24 - Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

We are to - Endure, fight the good fight of faith. Matthew 10:22b – “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

We are to - Be faithful our entire life on earth. Revelation 2:10b - Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Will you be "faithful to death"?

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