The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reach up.........

What a great weekend.... God was present. God was near.....

With the second race (and first official weekend) complete for the USF2000 series this morning, I had a thought as I was praying with the drivers today..... As I approached one of the cars, the driver, who was strapped in the cockpit, reached his hand up when he saw me getting closer. That struck me.... How often do we reach up to God? Do we reach up when we are in need or when we are in trouble? Do we reach up to God when we are afraid or anxious?

James 4:8 tells us to "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." Are you waiting on God? God is waiting on you.... He wants you to come to Him. He wants to draw near to you. He wants a closer relationship with you. Draw near to God........ Reach up......

Thanks for prayin'........

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do you really pray with every driver?

That was the question I was asked when the USF2000 cars were on their pace lap.... I replied, "yes, every one" They said, "I have never seen that before!" Every one...... everyone. What if we were able to pray with everyone we came in contact with? What if we even thought that way? Something to think about...

The day went absolutely fabulous. The first USF2000 race and the first USF2000 Chapel both went very well. There were many moments where I saw the hand of God working. I met a lady and her husband that work for Cooper tires (the USF2000 tire supplier). They are Christians and she "happens" to sing. She also "happened" to have her guitar with her in the truck (she told me she did not know why she put it in her truck). I asked her if she wanted to sing at our chapel service. She wanted to know what songs I was thinking about. Well, I had already printed out the words to "Jesus Messiah" for an opening song. She "happened" to have just worked that one up! God is good, really good. She sang two songs for our chapel service. It was awesome, but so is God.....

The Lord provided safety for every one involved with the races. They were run very professionally. The series is off to a great start!

I had many people in the Indy Car Paddock area congratulate and encourage me today. Many people told me they were praying for me and the IRL Ministry. Thank you all your support. We appreciate your prayers more than you will ever know! Keep praying! Because after today, I know God is listening......

Making Your Hope a Reality

Below is an exerpt from my message in today's USF2000 chapel service. Read down the list. Are you missing any if these in your Christian walk?

How can we make our hope a reality?

1. Have faith in Christ and His resurrection.
1 Peter 1:3 - In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2. Trust God in His plan for your life.
Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Put confidence in the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Let God..........

Thanks for all your prayerful support! It was a great day of introductions and getting to know some of the owners, drivers, and crew members from the teams. I feel most of the time we worry WAY TOO MUCH about things that God has under control. That anxiousness and worry does not accomplish anything other than draining us mentally. Let God take control. Follow, don't lead. Wait on Him. Trust. Thank. Let. God.............

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In St. Pete!!!

Made it safely to St. Pete this evening! I will be at the track tomorrow meeting with the USF2000 teams! Through some of shop visits, I have met a few of the teams and team owners already. Pray as I introduce the myself and the IRL Ministry to some of the teams for the first time.

I heard a verse this morning that I really liked. I wrote it on my hand so I would not forget it. Then I wrote it on a post it note and stuck it in my pocket. I was going to look it up today at work. It got busy at work and I forgot about it. Until I emptied my pockets tonight in the hotel room. There was the note with "Ps 18:39" scratched on it. I am not sure why God gave me this verse, this day and kept it with me..... but it says:

39For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

As Christians we enter a battle field every day. Most times the enemy cannot be seen. Praise God, that He is on our side! Another version says that He "armed me". With God adding to our "arsenal", we cannot loose!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

IRL Ministry on "Faith and the Law" broadcast 3/17 at noon on Indianapolis WHMB TV Channel 40

The broadcast of my interview on "Faith and the Law" is this week. It is on the Indianapolis Comcast channel 9 and "air" broadcast on Channel 40. We were able to get some good visibility on the IRL Ministry and the USF2000 & Indy Car series! Check it out!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Doc will be missed....

I was honored to officiate at Doc Kerr's funeral yesterday, 3/13. In your memories of Doc, there will be tears. There will be sorrow. There will be pain. Replace the pain with memories. Replace the sorrow with laughter. Replace the tears with hope.

Kerr, E. Hoyt Jr.
March 11, 2010
E. Hoyt "Doc" Kerr, Jr. 93, of Speedway, passed away at Westview Hospital in Indianapolis. He graduated from Miliken University in Decatur, Illinois and continues to be an avid supporter. He then graduated from McCormick Seminary and was later awarded a Doctorate of Divinity. Doc was a member of the HemelgarnJohnson Race Team. He was a crew member of the 1996 winning team of Buddy Lazier. Two years ago, on his 91st birthday, Doc became the oldest person to drive a race car around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, completing two laps! Doc was a Presbyterian minister and a real estate broker. He was a member of the Indianapolis Museum. He was preceded in death by his wife, Frances "North" Kerr. Survivors include his son, David (Teresa) Kerr of Louisville, TN; three daughters, Judy (Kenneth) Breit of Hartland, MI, Patricia Winston of Los Angeles, CA, and Kathy (Scott) Cole of Troy, MI; six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, March 13 at Conkle Funeral Home, Speedway Chapel. Calling will be at the funeral home from 5-8 p.m., Friday, March 12. In lieu of flowers, send memorials to the American Cancer Society, 5635 96th Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46248 or IRL Ministries, P.O. Box 24297, Speedway, IN 46224. Online condolences may be shared at

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What if....

While it was very unfortunate that Vision Racing closed its doors a few weeks ago, most of the guys in the Bible study have found new positions with other teams. Since that time, I have had multiple conversations with these guys to possibly start new studies at some of these different shops! Please pray that God will work the logistics of these studies and these shops!

What if.... we trust God and let Him work....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another Shop Visit 3/8

I will be traveling to Minnesota Monday for another shop visit. Pray that my message and the ministry will be well received.! Also pray for safe travels! Thanks!

Monday, March 1, 2010

That "Prayer Thing" Really Works....

I was talking with one of the guys from Vision Racing that recently lost his job. He was really worried about finding a job, etc. in this tough racing economy. I told him I would be praying specifically for him and his job search. He called me a few days ago and said, "that prayer thing really works, doesn't it". I agreed! He went on to tell me about his new position with another IRL team. With the new job, he will not have to travel (a big deal in the racing community). I told him that we are always to trust God's plan....

Pray specifically. Pray expectantly. Prayer works. Give it a try! God is waiting to hear from you....