The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Wendy in Seat 16E

On my flight from Miami to Atlanta, a girl named Wendy sat next to me in the plane. We hadn’t spoken for most of the flight when she asked me what I was doing in Miami. I told her about the IRL Ministry. She said she believed in a “higher power”. Then she quipped by saying “I suppose you are going to tell me I need to go to church”. We then proceeded to talk about people’s perception of what Christianity was and I told her that going to church wouldn’t get her to heaven, but she needed to have a relationship with Christ. We talked about how to do that and what that meant. We talked about living in a fallen world and that we are all sinners that need a Savior in Jesus. I told here how He came to this earth to fill the gap between a sinful world and a Holy God. As our time was running short, she told me about a book she was reading about figuring out what we are doing in this world. I suggested a couple others and also gave her a plan of salvation outline with scripture references. She told me she would look those up. She looked at me and said “it wasn’t an accident that she was sitting here”. I said these encounters are not accidents but they are orchestrated by God himself. She told me again, “You don’t understand, I switched my seat right before the flight so I could sit closer to my boyfriend, but he is way in the back”. She said, “I was supposed to talk to you today”. She thanked me and we went our separate ways. Pray for Wendy. That she finds Christ and that she figures out why she is here……. God is amazing……

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Great Race! Greater God!

Today was filled with two races, two chapel services, two catholic masses, 4000 pounds of food and lots of prayer! Wow.... Bob's message was about an "All access pass to God" and it tied directly to our relationship with God. An open invitation was offered to all. Sent approx. 4000 pounds of food to two local Community Outreach shelters. At both races, there were so many cars and drivers in both the Indy Lights and Indy Car series, Bob started at the front of the grid and Hunter and I started at the back and we prayed with every team until we met in the middle! Many of the teams were glad to see us others refused to pray, but we offered to all! Some embraced, some looked at me funny, some were eager, some walked away. Our job is to share Christ. I believe we did that today.

Made some great connections today! Had conversations with different drivers, crew members, and track workers about forgiveness, God's protection, disappointment, going to church, the fact that "being a nice person" is not what Christianity is about, and loving Jesus.

God is sovereign, He is good, He provides, He protects, He saves. I have felt the prayers of many brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt protection, guidance, calm, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to all that have prayed! Praise God for He is good!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Great Day!

Had a great day yesterday at Homestead. Was able to make some good contacts with people in the garage area. Had an opportunity to pray with a crew member and driver I know that were very nervous about their first practice session. Worked with a local mission representatitve, Bud, to coordinate food pick up for the hoeless shelter after the race. Had a great time in prayer with him asking God to bless these efforts and take this food relief would give Glory to Christ!

I'm singing today at the Chapel services at 9:15 & 4:00. Pray that God would speak through Bob and sing through me! Thanks for your support!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Day at Homestead!

Got to Homestead today around noon. Worked on a number of different things such as new IRL Ministry display pictures, new decals on the new golf carts, and met with a number of the chefs from the various IRL teams and sponsors to coordinate the food ministry deliveries and pickups. Met briefly with Father Phil, Bob, and Champ Car chaplain Hunter Floyd. Saw a lot of people I have known from past seasons and teams. It is always good to see old friends. Had dinner with Hunter Floyd at, you guessed it, a Mexican place. Great food! Really enjoyed my time with Hunter. He is a genuine man of God. He has years of experience in motorsports ministries and he loves the Lord dearly. I pray I will get to know him better over the season and learn from him as we spend time doing ministry together.

All four of us will be meeting tomorrow morning to go through logistics and responsibilites. I look forward to tomorrow and how I can humbly serve God in this place. I pray that I will have a "feet washing" mentality to be just like Jesus!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

K Love / Air1 Meeting

Bob Hills and I had another meeting with Mike Mankel of K Love/Air1 radio and Chuck Petersen of Peterson Engineering today. It is always exciting to talk with Mike. He loves Jesus and wants to do whatever it takes to find ways to bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ! It doesn't appear that K Love will be able to be a part of Community Day at the Indy 500 this year, as there are no further openings for musical groups on that day. We hope and pray that they will be able to be a part of the 2009 Indy 500 activities. There may be other opportunities for K Love to be involved in some way at IMS this season with other events.

We also brainstormed ways that the IRL Ministry can partner with K Love for future sponsorship opportunities for the IRL Transporter and other events. God is definitely at work in this relationship. It is exciting to think of the possibilities. We will continue to pray to follow God's lead and timing on all of them!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Artist Rendering in Process!

Anne from Chicago is putting together a concept rendering of the IRL Ministry Transporter. The pencil sketch is complete and she will be finalizing the rendering by adding color. As soon as the sketch is available, I will post it here.

Thanks Anne for all your help!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Champ Car Chaplain, Simulator, & More Travel Logistics

We welcome Champ Car Chaplain Hunter Floyd to the IRL Ministry! Hunter is going coming over from the Champ Car series and will be helping us this year at the IRL races. I have known Hunter for a number of years and he is a great man of God. I am excited to work beside him this year!

Took one of our Indy Car simulators to Brookville Community Church this past weekend for mission trip fund raiser they were hosting.

Working on all my travel arrangements for the June and July races!

Continue to pray that the travel money would be spent frugally and that we would get good deals on flights, hotels, and rental cars. God is continuing to bless all these efforts and I thank Him for that every day!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Scheduled Races - 2008

Below are the races that I will be attending for the IRL Ministry in 2008. There is a chance that I still may work for a team for the Indy 500. If that happens, I will work ministry events as my schedule permits. I am trusting God that he will work all that out!!!

3/29/2008 - Homestead-Miami Speedway
4/6/2008 - Streets of St. Petersburg
4/27/2008 - Kansas Speedway
5/25/2008 - 92nd Indianapolis 500
6/1/2008 - The Milwaukee Mile
6/22/2008 - Iowa Speedway
6/28/2008 - Richmond International Raceway
7/12/2008 - Nashville Superspeedway
7/20/2008 - Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
8/9/2008 - Kentucky Speedway
8/24/2008 - Infineon Raceway
8/31/2008 - The Raceway at Belle Isle Park
9/7/2008 - Chicagoland Speedway

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mark Olson - IPS Driver

Mark Olson will be running road courses for Michael Crawford Motorsports and possibly a couple ovals if the funding comes through. He was introduced to me by Chuck Petersen (one of the individuals in the KLOVE meeting). Mark is a Christian and is interested in helping the ministry as a Christian driver. Please pray for Mark as the season starts for funding, safety, and God's blessings on this opportunity.