The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Front Wing Presented to ICCC

It was a great day at Indian Creek again today! The IRL Ministry presented Gary Johnson and the staff of ICCC a front Indy Car wing in appreciation for "The Creek's" support of me and the Indy Racing League Ministry.

Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers! The motor coach is on its way to St.Pete now! I will be flying down on Thursday, April 2nd. The crew care packs will be distributed on that Thursday and Friday. Pray they will be well received. Pray God will move! Pray!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Is This a Hobby?

So, I was off site at a company today for my "full time" engineering job with JDSU...... We got to talking about racing and the IRL Ministry. These guys said "so you don't get paid for the time you spend traveling to all the races?" I told them my expenses are covered, but I do not get paid. They commented that that was "some hobby".... In response, I simply said, "it's more than a hobby".

That comment hit me hard...... Friends, is Christianity "just a hobby" for you? We are serving the Almighty God of the universe. We are giving praise to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Our God knows and understands our every thought. We have been commanded by Christ Himself to go unto the world to spread the Good News.

It's more than a "hobby" to me....... how bout you?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WOW!!! - 100 boxes packed

THANK YOU ALL and THANKS BE TO GOD! We, members of Indian Creek Christian Church, and friends of the IRL Ministry, packed over 580 crew care packs in to 100 boxes today! In addition, every box was prayed over, that God would use they packs to reveal the Good News of the Gospel of Christ to the Indy Racing League crew members and officials. The boxes are already in the IRL Ministry trailer and ready for the trip to St. Petersburg for the April 5th race. These care packs will be distributed on April 2nd when the guys are working on their cars! Pray they will be well received and God would work in a might and powerful way!

Thanks again for all your prayers, help and support!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God working at the Vision Study!

We finished the Joe Gibbs book "Racing to Win" today in our study. After lots of good discussion, we got on the topic of baptism. We talked thru what baptism means and the example Jesus set for us. Bottom line..... There are 2 or 3 guys that are considering being baptized! Praise God!

We need to be there. We need to encourage. We need to go. We need to follow where Jesus is leading. Without hesitation....... Go.... spread the Good News!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

IRL Ministry Crew Care Pack - Packing Party March 15th!

Shipments are coming in, almost daily, to my garage that is now being used as a "Christian Warehouse" of sorts.... God has been unbelievable through this entire process in providing for this project. I want to thank Him, first of all, for sending all of you and the different businesses that have donated items and money for this project. Thanks be to God! And thank all of you! Below is the flyer that will be placed in each pack acknowledging the different companie's involvement.

We are having the packing party at Indian Creek Christian Church on Sunday, March 15th at 12:30 in the Family Life Center. Pizza will be provided! We are going to pack all 600 backpacks with the Bibles, etc. and pray over them before we box them up for the trip to St. Pete on April 5th for the first IRL race!

Please pray that these Crew Care Packs with be received well. I hope to see you all there!