The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Great Day in Kansas!

We had 2 great Chapel services today. Very well attended for the time slots we had. Jessica from Stoney Point Christian Church did a wonderful job on the special music! Thanks again to Jessica and her family!

Kansas City Resuce Mission picked up the excess food today in a U-haul box truck! We donated 30 pounds of soap and will keep you updated on the final food weight count.

Had great oppotunites to pray with team members and drivers today prior to both the Indy Lights and Indy Car races. We offered to all and many participated. Pray for those who are still opposed. Had a great conversation with an engineer today that I had talked to int he past. He wanted to know what happened when I gave my heart to the Lord. We talked briefly about head knowledge verses heart knowledge and what it means to live for God. Since this was directly prior to the race, I invited him to sit down with me sometime to talk through that. He accepted, but said I would not convince him. I told that my job was to present the truth, not to change his mind. I told him that was up to God! His name is Len. Please pray that God would soften his heart........

Long Day at the Track

I left my hotel this morning about 7:30 AM and returned around 10:00 PM!

One incident... Mario Moraes hit the wall and was unhurt. Father Phil and I met him at the infield care center where he was released. I took him and his team owner back to their gargage area on the IRL Minstry golf cart.

Had an opportunity to meet the singer for our Chapel service tomorrow; Jessica and her mother Diana. They are from Stoney Point Christian Church in Kansas City. I got them their credentials and showed them around the track. We had some great Christian conversations and swapped stories of just how amazing our God is! She will be singing for our Chapel services tomorrow at 8 and 10.

Met with Indy Lights drivers Mark Olsen and Jake Slotten today. Had a chance to get to know them a little better and pray with them together before they started their morning practice sessions. Neat time in the Lord.....

Talked with many of the Indy Car crew members waiting in the qualifying line. Good connection with many of those guys.

Pray for good Chapel services and safe races tomorrow! Thanks again for your support!!!!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

At Kansas!!!!!!!

Made it to Kansas safely today! Met with Paul Masao from the Kansas City Rescue Mission today. They will receiving the food donations from this weekend's race! I prayed with him today that God would bless their mission and their efforts this weekend.

Chaplain Bob and I had a great time of prayer today. We prayed for the weekend and various items concerning the ministry. You can help by praying for the following items: connections and relations, that we would represent Christ well, future financial IRL Minstry provisions, chapel services on Sunday and a safe weekend for all involved.

More updates tomorrow night!!!!! Thanks for your prayers and support!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

9200 lbs!!!!!!

That is how much food was donated to the local St. Petersburg food kitchen and shelter at this past weekend's race! Thanks to Chef Bill for picking up all the food. Also thanks to all the IRL hospitality organizations that donated their left over food! We also collected approximately 50 pounds of soap and shampoo from the IRL community! This was also donated to the local shelter. This is a great way to show God's love and provisions. Pray that this food will be used effectively to promote the Gospel of Christ while feeding the less fortunate!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

God was Present!

God presence was evident today! Started with Jeremy from a local Christian church. He sang a couple songs for the Chapel service today. Marvelous job. Had an Indy Lights race and an IRL race today. Bob and I prayed with the teams on the grid. Some individuals refused. All teams participated at some level! Praise God for that! God gave us safe races and provided lots of opportunities to talk with crew members and drivers. We collected over 50 pounds of soap and shampoo. This was all given to the local homeless shelter along with all of the leftover food from the team and corporate hospitality locations. Pray I will make it home safe tomorrow! God Bless you all!!

Qualifying day....

We had a slim turnout at the Indy Lights Chapel, so we ended having a prayer service instead. We prayed for the day, drivers, teams, crew, etc. It was very appropriate for the busy day. God sometimes leads us to do things that are different from our "worldly" plans. Today was one of those days! Hunter did the invocation for the Indy Lights race today and Bob and I prayed with the teams on the grid before the race.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Update from the track.....

Had a good day today. Began the day with prayer. Then went right into logistics, credentials, etc. Met Chef Bill from the local shelter. He is picking up the food this weekend. He admitted to me his faith in God is lacking. We talked about how God works and what it means to have faith. I prayed with him be fore he left the track. Pray for Bill that the Holy Spirit will show him the Way!

One Indy Lights Chapel tomorrow at 1:00 with their first race of the weekend tomorrow at 4:45. Watch for more updates tomorrow!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Made It to St. Pete!

Made it to the St. Pete track today. Spent most of the day running around working thru credential issues, scheduling the Indy Lights Chapel service time and location. Hanging chapel flyers at the Indy Lights transporters. Talked with a few of the crew guys along the way. Some of the same ones I prayed with last weekend.

Continue to pray for protection, wisdom, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in all things. The Indy Lights chapel is at 1:00 on Saturday and the Indy Car Chapel is at 8:00 on Sunday.

Thanks for your support and may God continue to bless you!