The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wet Day in Ohio - but not in Spirit!

Sunday started early in Mid-Ohio with our fist chapel service at 7:30! We had great turnouts at both chapel services. We met in a temporary trailer in the paddock area.

The rains came before the Indy Lights race and delayed things a bit. With the rain (and lightening), it was a little chaotic working our way through the grid to pray with the teams and drivers. I pray that God directed our efforts. Also due to the rain, the Indy Car driver introductions were scrapped. Because of that, the drivers were actually at the cars when we were praying with the teams on the grid. We got neat participation with the drivers and crews on most teams. Once again, some prayed, some turned and walked away. Pray for God to continue to move!

Thanks to Jalane from Heartland Alliance Church ( who helped organize the food pickup this week. We collected about 25 pounds of soap products as well. The donations went to the following local organizations. I pray the food was used to help Christ to be proclaimed!
  • Bulter Clearfork Nutrition Center
  • Crossroads Center for Change & Mt. Herman Baptist Church
  • Harmony House
  • Salvation Army
  • Freewill Baptist Church
  • Heartland Alliance Church

Thanks for your continued support!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

God is Present!

We had a safe day of practice and quals today. There was a fire in the pits at the ALMS event. The crew member was burned and flown to a local hospital but the injuries were not life threatening. Please pray for him and his family as he recovers...

We were very hurried on the grid today before the Indy Lights race. There were no formal driver introductions, so the drivers just followed their cars to the grid locations. Bob, Hunter, and I individually worked our way through the grid and had a word of prayer with each of the drivers before the race began. While it seemed quick, I believe God was honored. We had an individual comment to Hunter and I that overhearing a prayer made "it" seem all real..... I responded to him by telling him "God" is real and there is no higher honor than to pray the Almighty God.

God is present! Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mid-Ohio Report

Had a good, safe day at Mid-Ohio today. No travel difficulties yesterday as well! Neat track with lots of history. We got the chapel flyers hung in the garages and distrubuted the soap donation boxes. I got in touch with some new people today to donate food for the minisrty. With the ALMS racing on the same course this weekend, some of their hospitality people are going to donate their left over food! We also got the ABC/ESPN catering to donate their food as well....

Had some good conversations with some Indy Lights drivers today. Seems like everyone is getting tired with the back to back race schedule.... There will be an Indy Lights race tomorrow and they also run a second race on Sunday. Pray for these guys as they have a busy weekend.

We will have two chapel services on Sunday morning. I will be singing at both of them this weekend..... The chapel times are 7:30 and 9:30 with a mass at 9:00. Pray that these will be led by the Holy Spirit!

I am excited to have my youngest son, Reid along with me this weekend. He is truly a blessing and fun to be around!

More updates from the track tomorrow! Thanks for your support!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Great Chapels & Prayer TimeToday!!

We had great turnouts at both Chapel services today! Special thanks to William Guice ( from The Peoples Church ( in Franklin, TN for providing the special music. It was very heart felt and I believe Christ was glorified!

We had great prayer time with the teams on the grid with both the Indy Lights and Indy Car series. It seemed the teams were very receptive today to our prayer time. I thank God for working and softening hearts!

Please continue to pray for God to move during these events! Pray also for travel safety for the ministry staff and the teams! May God bless you for supporting this ministry!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Busy day in Nashville!

Had Indy Lights practice and qualifying and Indy Car practice and quals today. Praise God for a safe day today..... There were no driver incidents that required a trip to the infield care center!

Met with the guys from Nashville Rescue Mission ( today. They are going to be taking the food and soap donations from this weekends race. These guys really have a heart for God and for helping the homeless. Pray for their efforts this weekend and pray that God will utilize the food resources for His glory.

Two Chapel services tomorrow. Pray that God will be worshipped well and glorified!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Made it Safely to Nashville

We are safe and sound in Nashville. I said we.... my wife, Deatra is accompanying me this trip! It is very exciting to have her along. I worked a half day at JDSU, then picked up the rental car, and headed south...... Special thanks again to Doug, George, and Zane at JDSU for covering for me while I am away from work and allowing me to have the time off!!!

I met with some of the hospitality chefs today to help coordinate the food pickup for this weekend. Interesting comment from one of the chefs today.... He told me that since he knows the food is never wasted, he intentionally buys more food than he will need. He does this for two reasons. 1) it helps him not have to plan so accurately for food usage and 2) he knows the food is always going to a good cause to help the homeless! Pretty cool stuff.... Who would have ever thought that the chefs would "overbuy" because they WANT to donate the food.... God is working.....

Also, special thanks to those of you who are praying specifically for me and the ministry. Your prayers are deeply appreciated!