The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bending the Knee......

Made it home today safely from Richmond. Had a couple neat "God moments" on the grid before the race...... After praying with the teams on the grid I had one of the IRL Technical Inspectors come up to me and specifically requested prayer on the grid. She had never done that before, so it was neat to see how our sovereign God put me in the right place to be able to minister in that way.

Had another "first" on the grid.... Helio Castroneves' team did not qualify well for the race. When I approached them to pray, one of the team members replied, "ya, we need some serious prayer!" He then proceeded to drop to one knee. I responded by dropping to my knee with him and commented that we should pray humbly before the Lord. What followed was incredible....... one by one, the entire team (20 plus members) followed and everyone dropped to a knee. After then team was on a knee, we all put one hand in the middle of the circle and I prayed that God would bless their efforts. They ended up finishing second in the race!

Praise God the presence of His Holy Spirit in the midst of the business proceeding last night's race!!!! Thanks again for all your support..... My next race is in Nashville, TN in 2 weeks...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hot & Humid in Richmond

Had a good day of qualifying and practice today at Richmond. Got everything ready to go for tomorrow Chapel Services. Met with Carrington from Good Samaritan Ministries in Richmond. They will be taking the excess food tomorrow after the race. We had a great prayer time together asking God to bless their efforts and use it to glorify Christ and further His Kingdom! Chapel services are at 1:45 and 3:15 tomorrow. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead!

On a side note..... The USAC Midgets were running tonight at Richmond. Tom, the flag man, invited me up to the flag stand to watch the start of the race from there!! IT WAS AWESOME! What a view! I even switched off the yellow track lights at the end of a cautions and handed him some of the flags.... Quite a different perspective. Tom is a Christian. Pray for his safety at these races. He is also flagging for the Indy Car race.

On another side note........ Bob and I were watching the end of the USAC race from the pits. As we sat there, the 9 car came into pits on fire and stopped right in front of us. As soon as the driver jumped out of the car, I grabbed a fire extinguisher and jumped over the wall. As I got to him, a couple other guys had doused him with water. I then went to the car that was still on fire and started putting the fire out. This entire time I thinking, " where are the fire guys?" As I was spraying the car down, they showed up and finished the job. Thank God nobody was hurt!! God does protect and provide!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

In Richmond!!!!!

Made it to Richmond safely today. Met up with a few crew guys walking through the garage area. Chapel services will be on Saturday afternoon this week since it is a Saturday night race.

God is good. My prayer this week is that I will follow the Holy Spirit's leading in everthing I think, say and do!!!! Please pray and may God bless you for your continued support!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pray for the people in Iowa

Had a great race in Iowa yesterday. Due to some weather in Chicago, I did not get into Indy until early Monday morning. Had some interesting and very specific prayer requests with some guys on the grid. Had a request for their fueling process on a pit stop and had another request for a particular crew member that had a lung collapse earlier in the weekend. Obviously, I honored those requests. But the interesting part is these guys are seemingly more comfortable with prayers and asking for prayer. That is huge in this environment.

I also had an ESPN reporter come up to me right before the race to specifically to request me to pray with him before he went on the air. We prayed on pit road that Holy Spirit would lead and guide him that day. I cried shortly after that and thanked God for allowing me to serve Him in that way......

Also, pray for the people of Iowa. The floods have left damage to many of the fields and crops in that area.

Thanks again for all your monetary and prayerful support!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Iowa Update

Great Indy Lights race today. The Indy Car qualifying was rained out. Had great opportunities to talk with many of the Indy Lights guys prior to the race. I prayed with many of the teams on the grid before the race.

There was one team member in particular that wanted a "good luck" handshake from me....... While there is no such thing as "luck", the interesting part about that seemingly brief interaction was he is accepting of our (the IRL Ministry) presence there. That acceptance is what we need relationally to open doors to later to approach these guys about Christ.

Keep praying!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's All about Jesus!

That is why I am here in Iowa. It is about telling others about Christ and encouraging believers. Give God the glory!

Met with Bill from Hope Ministries ( today and a couple of other people from that organization. They will be picking up the food from this weekend's race for their shelter. Had a great fellowship and prayer time with these guys! Also met and prayed with Bill the motorcoach driver. He is going through some tough personal times. Pray for Bill and his faith during this time.

We are having a 9:30 chapel tomorrow for the Indy Lights guys. Pray for the service and their race tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Iowa on Friday

I leave for Iowa on Friday. I will be returning late Sunday night. Please pray again for connections with team members, drivers, and officials that I may be an effective minister of the Gospel of Christ!

More updates from the track!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Headin' Home!

We had two great chapel services this morning. The Holy Spirit was truly present! I had the opportunity to pray with many teams on both the Indy Lights and the Indy Car grid today. We had both shelters, the Family House of Milwaukee and St. Benedict's at the track to pick up food for their shelters. Special thanks to both of those organizations for their extra efforts (and trips to the track) on race day. I'll give an update in later blogs reporting the amount. We were able to provide over 150 lbs of soap and shampoo products to St. Ben's for their hygiene program!

I will not be going to the Texas race this weekend. This was not a planned race for me this season. I look forward to the upcoming race in Iowa. Continue to pray for traveling safety for all involved and that the ministry will continue to be effective in sharing Christ's love with others in this community!