The INDYCAR Ministry and my Involvement

The Indy Car Ministry provides chapel services at each track where the Indy Car, Indy Lights, Pro Mazda Championship, and USF2000 series race. Chapel services include Christian music, Holy Communion, prayer, and a biblical message. We provide prayer and counseling support to drivers and team members. Bible studies are also provided at some of the race shops.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Report from Milwaukee

Got to Milwaukee safely yesterday and had a good day today. Met with two local mission groups and coordinated their credentials and logistics of picking up the food tomorrow. One group ( picked up the left over food today. I had a great prayer time with both groups that the food would be used to feed the hungry and gloify Christ.

I also met with a motorcoach driver who is going through some tough marital issues. Pray for him as he struggles with being away from home during this difficult time.

I will be leaving directly from the race tomorrow evening and driving home. Pray for a safe race, Spirit led Chapel services, and safe travels. I am also singing tomorrow at the 2 Chapel services!!

Thank you for your support and prayers!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pray for Robert.......

During my month with Vision Racing, I met a guy named Robert. He is a young guy that gave his life to the Lord at an early age, but then fell away. He approached me one day after we were done running for the day and he asked me if I was a "preacher"....... I replied that I was a kind of a preacher... He confided in me how difficult it is to try to do the "right things" in this environment and that he wants to start going back to church. We sat on the pit wall for the next 20 minutes and talked about his struggles and his faith walk. I explained to him that being a Christian is not about "following the rules", it is about having faith in Jesus Christ. I told him once you have that faith, you will want to do the right things..... We also talked about the that he should be working as if he is working for the Lord and not man.... We also discussed how Jesus, as in the story of the prodigal son, is waiting for him on that front porch. That He will run towards him with open, accepting arms when he comes back to Christ.

I told Robert that earlier that very morning, in my devotion time, I was working on praying more expectantly. I prayed that God would send someone, today, that needed to hear from Him. I told Robert, God sent you...

I prayed with him on that pit wall, in pouring rain, under an umbrella..... He thanked me over and over...... I told him that is the way God works..... He went to Chapel service with me on race day. Please pray that Robert will continue to work on his relationship with Christ and that he will be protected in that environment.

Pray expectantly.......

Monday, May 26, 2008

Indy 500 Pit Stop

I am the air jack guy on the right!!!!

Hamilton Finishes 14th in the 500!

Davey Hamilton finished 14th still on the lead lap after a long hard race..... he fought an understear (push) condition all day long. We made air pressure changes and front wing changes to get him a better handling car. We found out after the race that we had a broken front wing adjuster that was causing the problem and not enabling us to make the changes.

Davey is a great guy and it was wonderful to have Kingdom Racing as a sponsor on the car ( Please pray for Davey, Kingdom Racing, and the guys on Vision racing!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Going "over the wall" for #22 - Davey Hamilton in the Indy 500

Found out yesterday that I will be going over the wall on Hamilton's car. Due to a recent change in personnel, they lost an airjack guy. So after a little shuffling of team members, the crew chief came up to me yesterday and said "your it"! So, during the race, I will be doing the air jack on the #22 car and adjusting the air pressure in the tires.

Thanks for all your support and prayers!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sang at Indy Chapel Services!!

We had two great services last Sunday at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Very well attended and great message on the series of beatitudes. Bob's message was on meekness and I sang Lord, Reign on Me and East to West by Casting Crowns. God speaks in so many ways and touches people on different levels. He did so again this past Sunday. He is an amazing God!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hamilton Qualifies 18th!

After a gearbox issue in the first practice session on Saturday, Davey qualified 18th for the Indy 500! We ran a 223.6 in the morning practice session, but did not have time to set the car up after the gearbox change prior to qualification. He did average a 222.017. I have a few pics below from the past couple weeks at the track! Thanks for your prayerful support!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ministry as a Crew Member

It has been a very interesting week working at Vision Racing. I have had a number of guys come up to me and ask me if "I was the guy from the ministry". That has opened up many conversations about relationships, church attendance, an explanation of what the IRL Ministry does, and encouragement to have a relationship with Christ. It is imperative to "earn their trust" as you work along side. I also hope that my work ethic reflects the servant leadership of Christ.

I had a great conversation with one team member about struggles with forgiveness as it relates to past relationships. We discussed God's forgiveness for us and our sins and how it is difficult at times, in our humanness, to forgive others. I also had another conversation with another team member about how he "would like to go to church". He also seemed to have other questions and I let him know I was available for those conversations when he is ready. I will encourage him to go to a Chapel service with me this month!

Continue to pray for God to work through me in this team member capacity!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chapel Services at Indy

We had two great services today at Indy. Vision racing had a day off so I was able to help Bob with the Chapel services. The current sermon series is on the Beattitudes. Pray for a good series and that people would be touched by God!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Food at the Kansas City Rescue Mission

The numbers are in! The Kansas City Rescue Mission collected 3450 pounds of food for the homeless from the Kanasas race! Praise God for His provisions and faithfulness!

Thanks again to Paul Masao and his staff for all their hard work!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Doin' tires for #22 Vision Racing entry w/ Davey Hamilton at the Indy 500

This year, in addition to my ministry responsibilities, I will be working for Vision Racing . They are running a third car for Indy that will be driven by Davey Hamilton. I will be responsible for the pit equipment and all the tires and pressures. This will be my 10th Indy 500 as a crew member!

Pray that I will be an effective minister of the Gospel as I work along side these guys. We are also trying to get a Bible study started at Vision's shop. I would lead that if it come to fruition. Pray that relationships that are established will help that effort and instill trust in the crew members.